Kamis, 19 April 2012

The President's Job Council - Hard Work, Crony Capitalism, Or A Substitute for Replacing Obama?

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Yes, we all want more jobs and the America People have made that quite clear. Still, it seems rather crazy that we would believe that the government could actually create jobs in the free market. We know the government can create government jobs, but most of us don't want any higher taxes, nor do we want more government to control our daily lives.

What amazes me is that politicians can sit up in a podium, and promise the American people that if they are elected, they will ensure that jobs are created in America. There is no basis for that, they can't create jobs by expanding government, the only way to really create a net new number of jobs is to reduce the size of government, reduce the regulations, reduce the taxes, and get out of the way.

The Council on Foreign Relations recently had an interesting interview panel discussion on the most pressing issues of 2012 with regards to jobs. There is a YouTube Video of this I believe which was titled; "President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness Discussion," with a caption which stated;

"President Obama formed the Council on Jobs as a source of non-partisan advice and differing perspectives for the purpose of bolstering the economy through fostering job creation, innovation, growth, and competitiveness. At this meeting, experts discuss the Council's work and recommendations," and the Speaker line-up was pretty impressive actually;

Ellen Kullman
Robert Wolf
Jeffrey Zients
Garrick Utley

Now then, no one is going to knock a group of industry professionals from the real world working to help create jobs. In fact, I'm glad to see it and believe the Obama Administration is severely lacking in truly qualified folks with real-world, not merely academic experience. Nevertheless, I do question the coziness of such relationships. It's not that everyone close to government or the executive branch doesn't get some juice from being there, and it probably looks stellar on a resume even if it happened to be a less-than-competent President at the time - but I do have some thoughts on all this and some unanswered questions, so let me begin with my major comments here.

You see, I question a group of business people getting into bed with a crony capitalist populist socialist-leaning president. Rather, it might be best for all concerned to fire said crony capitalist president, reduce regulations, stop the incestuous relationship that Adam Smith warned us about and let everyone compete using our free-market capitalism motif. We would all be better off and we wouldn't need a jobs council at the White House, as we'd have full-employment and the opposite crisis - not enough labor to fulfill those jobs. See that point? Indeed, I ask that you please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Present Economic Challenges. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

View the original article here

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