Kamis, 19 April 2012

Politics Are the Ultimate Distraction - Turn That Crap Off

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They say that politics in any society is nothing more than sound and fury, and chaos and controversy promoted to extreme by the mass media. Indeed, I believe if you would think about this for second, you would certainly agree with what I am saying, as well as those famous political philosophers that have come before me. Perhaps one of the biggest and most important questions right now, as we head into the 2012 presidential election season is; do we really need to listen to all this political rhetoric?

Shouldn't we be keeping our eye on the ball? Why all the Distraction, what is everyone hiding, and why can't we look at the performance of various individuals seeking reelection, and look at the issues, without the political rhetoric and bantering back and forth to no avail. After all, it doesn't really matter if we are playing the game of "he said, she said" or looking for the best "gotcha" points on Facebook or Twitter - we have a country to run, along with our state and local governments, all of this other nonsense is really a waste of time.

Yes I know, it is human nature to want to bitch and moan, complain, and carry-on and commiserate with those you feel a bonding with, and to take all this nonsense and controversy and use it to build your team against the so-called enemy, which is actually your neighbor next door, across the street, or of a different political party. Not long ago, there was a combat veteran running for Mayor in San Diego, and he made an interesting statement he said;

"I've been to war, I've seen the enemy, I fought the enemy, and I guarantee you those of the other political party are not our enemy, they are nothing like our enemy, there are fellow citizens, our friends, and we must work together to make this a better place."

All the while, he was doing just that, and wishing to distance himself from all the political nonsense. We all ought to have a lot of respect for people like that, those who will push the politics aside, and just talk about the issues without the blame games, and without trying to up the ante or destroy the reputation and credibility of those they are running against in their political campaigns. After all, people usually don't run for election unless they see something they feel is wrong, and they would like to fix.

That is not to say once in office they don't decide that it's fun having this power trip, and therefore do everything they can do collect political contributions to stay in power. Yes, I know that happens too.

Nevertheless, I would submit to you that politics are the "Ultimate Distraction" and any time someone puts up a distraction, we need to immediately dismiss whatever they just said, and go investigate deeper, and find out what's really going on because that should be a tipoff and a clue right away. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative eBook on 2012 Politics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

View the original article here

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