Kamis, 19 April 2012

When Is Our Next Treat - Domesticated Humans and Populist Presidents In America

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Well, once a socialist president gets into power regardless of the country, the chances of getting rid of him are quite difficult. Worse, in the case of the US, whoever his vice president is also has a chance of becoming president, simply by following the promises of his predecessor. Any time a socialist populist left leaning podium pushing politician wishes to get reelected, all he or she has to do is offer a treat to the domesticated human voter that he or she has created. Okay so, let's talk about this for second shall we?

If you want your dog to behave or follow your wishes, you can always provide them with a treat. What's the difference? I would submit to you that philosophically there is no difference, and politicians have learned to use doggie treats to keep themselves in power. Also the mindless masses are happy to get lazy and fat eating all those three treats which have been offered. In fact, the American voter seems to be willing to roll over and do tricks, and look the other way any time the politician makes a mistake.

After all, as long as they get free stuff, free treats, they are likely to continue to vote for said politician, as everyone wants a free stimulus package, just like domesticated animals like attention, and love to be petted. So, a socialist leader first promises the people that he or she will give them whatever they want. Once elected they try to figure out a way to deliver at least some of what they promised, explaining to the people that more will come later, as long as you keep me in power.

While doing this the politician continually blames the other party, and their political adversaries from preventing them from giving the people what they promised, and therefore it's not their fault. It's an interesting game, and it's been played over and over again, what I don't understand is why humans are so ignorant not to see that Santa Claus doesn't really exist. Nevertheless, it is amazing how easy it is to domesticat animals by giving them food, or food stamps, and other various treats.

It is also fascinating how helpless they become so quickly once they no longer have to think for themselves, and realize that all of their needs will be taken care of by merely wagging her tail, and voting for their master who promises to continue the flow of those treats. Congratulations America you've been domesticated by a socialist populist president, and you have bought it hook, line, and sinker. How does that make you feel? Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Philosophical Political Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

View the original article here

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