Kamis, 19 April 2012

ObamaCare Is Not Being Overturned By the Republicans - It Is Being Overturned By the Supreme Court

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Well, it looks like the Obama administration is already in full damage control for what might occur if the Supreme Court rules that The Affordable Health Care Act is deemed unconstitutional, and therefore must die. Many of the Democrats that are not connected to the Obama Administration are running away from the problem, and they hope to be as far away as possible from any of the political fallout so they can get reelected themselves. Okay so, I'd like to talk to you about this for a moment if you have the time.

CBS News had a recent article published on March 30, 2012 which was titled; "Biden confident top court will uphold health law," where Vice President Joe Biden stated that he didn't believe that the Republicans would be able to turn-over ObamaCare. Well, that was outrageous because it isn't the Republicans overturning the Affordable Health Care Act it is the Supreme Court which would be nixing this law.

It appears that the Obama Administration is prepared to blame the Republicans in this election year for suing to get the law overturned on a constitutional basis and they are trying to appeal to their democratic and socialist base of voters who will then be upset with the Republican Party, tea party, and conservatives because they took away something that they never actually had, but rather felt entitled too.

It is truly amazing to me that Nancy Peloci actually stood up at a podium before the vote for the Affordable Health Care Act and told the TV cameras that "well, you are just going to have to vote for it to see what is in the bill." This in response to a question which a reporter asked about the reality that no one had time to read the bill and therefore didn't know what was in it.

Now then, obviously if they never read the bill, and they voted for it, they can merely claim they didn't know what was inside, and had they known, they certainly would have voted for a bill which they would have been smart enough to realize was unconstitutional. That may be true, or it may not be, but it is an absolute disgrace to the U.S. Congress, to the US taxpayer, and to the citizens and voters of this great nation.

To attempt to turn all around now and blame the Republicans for what transpired is absolutely laughable, and absurd. The only problem is that much of the socialist thinking left-leaning base of voters for the Democratic Party is just gullible enough to believe it if they see it on TV, and if Obama, their Teleprompter and Savior in chief proclaims it to be fact. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this, and be wise enough not to let these blame games continue. It's just not healthy for our country.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Current US Politics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

View the original article here

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