Kamis, 19 April 2012

Obama Administration's Proposed Budget Is Pandering for Votes From the Socialist Leaning Masses

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Over the years, I've been completely critical of various presidents and their proposed budgets. It seems to be a trick of the executive branch to put in budget proposals for all of the voting groups, and all of the major industries, even if the proposed budget is completely out of line with reality. Then the president in question, whether it be this one, the last one, or the three before that can always blame the U.S. Congress for not passing their budget, and tell all the voters in all those various industries and voting block groups that is not their fault, that they were going to bat for them, and that they were on their side.

Still, this sort of pandering for votes is rather alarming, and when President Obama put forth his most recent budget I noted that it was $1.3 trillion above and beyond the total amount of money that the federal government expected to collect from the US taxpayer. That's not a budget, that's not helping America, and if this is some store of a stealth stimulus package to keep the economy going strong until President Obama can get reelected, it really shows a disdain for the obligations of leadership in the highest office in the land, and the leader of the free world. I am not amused, I am not impressed, and I am highly troubled by this type of political pandering.

We cannot keep blowing money on nonsensical things and expect the Federal Reserve to continually take stuff off of one side of their balance sheet and carefully place it on the other. If businesses or corporation did that they would be jailed for fraud. Our federal government, and specifically the executive branch is forcing the Federal Reserve to engage in this sort of activity. Further, the reason that our economy is not firing on all cylinders right now is quite simple. It's because our federal government has grown too large, and is stifling free enterprise at every turn with abusive power grabs, infringing regulations, and crony capitalism.

Socialism is wrong for America and a populist president engaging in socialist behavior promising the masses things which the government cannot afford, and should not afford will destroy America if we let it. We are proud nation, a strong nation, and we should be a fiscally responsible country. We ask our citizens to be responsible with their finances, and our government should do the same. Our federal government's number one job is to protect the American people all this other nonsense may sound good, but we are making industries weak with corporate welfare, and we are making our citizens weak with social welfare. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Politics in 2012. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

View the original article here

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