Kamis, 19 April 2012

Real Wealth Ends Depressions

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In reality, government spending and provision can never end a depression. A depression can only be ended by real wealth creation through supply and demand, by finding a need and finding someone who has the means to meet that need with real wealth, not printed money. When the government provides, it must eventually print money, which causes inflation, leaving the nation worse off in the long term. Why? Because feeding money into the economy without labor to provide supply, coupled with driving up wages beyond the supplier's ability to pay for supply always drives up prices.

There are no free lunches in creating true wealth. Even the scriptures states, those who are not willing to work should not eat. The wealth of a nation does not come through giving men fish, but rather, teaching men to fish and giving them opportunity to fish for themselves.

Ungodly politicians know this, they are banking that the people never come to the understanding of this truth, so they can continue to trade provision for votes.

The poor nor the government cannot end depressions, the rich must end depressions. But the ungodly rich use depressions to get richer, instead of using wealth to end depressions.

So, it is left up to the godly rich to end depressions according to the scriptures. If the godly rich see a need, meet that need, expecting nothing in return, but the return always comes and a much bigger one at that.

If the real truth were to be revealed, we would most likely see that it is the ungodly rich who start depressions to get richer, and it is the godly rich who must end depressions, because it is the right thing to do.

What caused the stock market crash of 1929, which led to deep depression? Was it not the greed of the ungodly rich driving up stock prices through speculation? Out of 90 million Americans, there were never over 1 million stock investors in the market at one time during the 1920's.

What caused the 2008 housing depression? Was it not the greed of the ungodly rich, selling shady housing loan bundles to the greedy? Did they not both fall into the ditch? Was it not because of government's intervention and greed of the ungodly rich, allowing those who could not afford houses to buy houses with loans which could not be paid back, then bundled and sold to those who desired to make a quick gain?

If the government wants to end a depression, as it tried to do in the Great Depression, it must get out of the way, if government wants to start a depression, just keep printing and spending money to provide for the poor.

The only way a nation can truly prosper is for the godly rich to bare rule. It is impossible for the poor to rule over the rich, except it be through governmental control. Redistribution of wealth, as a governmental process, will cripple a nation. The blind cannot lead the blind and neither can the poor lead the rich.

A nation cannot come to great wealth when the poor rule. If the poor knew how to get wealth they would not be poor. The godly rich must lead a nation into great wealth. The ungodly rich will lead a nation down the path to hell. Only the godly rich can lead a nation where it needs to go and that is into great wealth. Even the scriptures state, "A righteous man will leave an inheritance to his children's children and the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just."

Today in the United States of America, we are not leaving an inheritance for our grandchildren. We are doing just the opposite, by spending our grandchildren's inheritance. The number one reason this nation is where it is today is because the godly rich have not been in control. It has been the ungodly rich in control of this nation for many decades. If they continue to be in control of this nation, the future will be much worst that the present. Proverbs 29:2 states, When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked bare rule the people mourn.

How many of today's politicians do you know who seek the vote of the godly rich? It is the ungodly rich whom they seek. How many of today's ungodly rich do you know who seek the hand of godly politicians? It is the ungodly politicians whom they seek.

It is time for the godly rich to rise up, and seek the help of godly politicians and together lead this nation back to its destined course of great wealth.

The scriptures state that the godly rich of this world should be willing to distribute and communicate. The godly rich, not only should be willing to distribute to the needs of the poor, but communicate to them how not to be poor and give them opportunity not to be poor, but well off.

The ungodly rich will not do this with pure motives. Their motive is to get more gain, thereby piercing themselves and others with many sorrows, because the love of money is the root of all evil. However, the proper use of wealth is the answer to poverty of a nation and its people.

How do you determine the ungodly rich from the godly rich? By their fruits you shall know them. I Timothy 5:25 states, Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid. Find out rich men's motives for what they do. Are they content with the riches they have, or do they seek more? Godly riches with contentment will lead to even more gain.

It is not so with the ungodly rich. I Timothy 6:9 states,But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

If history is not studied, it will surely repeat itself. Today in 2012, we see the same things happening with government intervention and big spending as we did in the 1930's. It was not the answer then, and it cannot be the answer today.

The poverty mentality must be rooted out of the heart of men and then given opportunity to prosper among men. The government cannot do this, but the godly rich can.

In the elections of 2012, it is not about Democrats or Republicans, but it is about the godly rich coming into authority and leading this nation back into the great wealth that it is destined to have from God.

The founding fathers of America were godly men of means, who had a fighting desire to be free from the control of the ungodly. They founded a nation where every individual had the right and freedom to get wealth.

Even in the beginning of this nation, ungodly power hungry men tried to bring this young nation back into the bondage from which they came. The ungodly rich want themselves to be free, but they seek bondage of those whom they rule. They rule from high hills and big offices, handing out just enough provision to keep the poor living on "barely get along street" in exchange for their votes.

Each individual has the power of one vote to stay free from governmental control to create godly wealth. Make yours count, remembering that the poor cannot rule the rich, neither can they recover a nation to its wealth. The godly rich are the only answer.

As a final thought on depression and unemployment, wars always bring down unemployment because the soldier's civilian job must be filled, but they also leave a nation bankrupt, the greater the war the lower the unemployment, but the greater the nation's debt. During World War II, this nation's unemployment was 1.9 percent, down from 25 percent at the height of the depression. Peace is the only answer. Peace comes through strength, and strength comes through godly wealth.

God is looking for godly men and women, whom He can make rich, to save this nation from its own self-destruction and greed. To the youth of this generation, be aware, God may tap you on the shoulder and say, "I desire to use you, follow me." God is always looking in each generation for youth whom He can show Himself strong through. It is the godly youth of today that will lead this nation back on course to its destined wealth.

The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy, who was a young man, to not despise or waste his youth. When God called Jeremiah, the prophet, at a very young age to be his servant, Jeremiah said Lord, I am but a child, and the Lord answered him back and said, Say not that I am a child, you shall go and do all I have called you to do. God put Joseph second in charge of Egypt as a young man. David was called to be king when he was a lad, and began his reign at the age of thirty.

Youth of today, it is your time now. Step up and do what you have been called to do. Your life is not a rehearsal that shall be played out tomorrow. Your life is in real time and is moving fast before you. So don't miss it. Get involved today and do your part to lead this nation to its destiny. The founding fathers of America did what they did, so you can do what you must do. Don't let them down. Stand up, speak out, and get involved in the future of America. This is your New Deal. Do it Now, your children's children will be thankful. The generation that lives completely unto itself will be the last generation of freedom.

Visit The Story of America, where the American story is shared from its beginnings in concise segments at: http://thestoryofamerica.org/.

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