Kamis, 19 April 2012

Arab Spring

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AppId is over the quota

Arab spring sprouted into autumn and on its way to a very stormy winter.

The immature approach and handling of the Arab spring is threatening the achievements and therefore hopes of Arab nationals all over the world.

Prior to the uprising in the Arab world citizens of the region held a conservative view surrounding their high hopes and expectations restricting it to a day by day living in humility and self contempt due to a long practice of imbalanced wealth distribution, strategic planning and a great lack of governance by authorities at all levels...

Now with the winter is on the doorsteps of Arab world I predict a huge storm strong enough to uproot stability in even the least troubled parts of the Middle East.

A swift counter measures are urgently needed if we are to avoid any further deterioration in this volatile region which not only represents a major source of energy but stands as the center of human history and the turning point of human spirituality therefore, the core of conflict between good and evil in our species culture.

Retroactively, as faith and religion sprang from the Middle East at the beginning of times, also did, Evil when it managed to parallel its start up point striding step by step chasing after the path enlightenment...

The final countdown for this clash of the titans is certainly approaching nigh and very rapidly, and there is so much that needs to be done and done immediately if we are to prevent a major human catastrophic outcome.

- First step should be uprooting evil tyrants from any governing posts, but if this is not rapidly replaced by appropriate, just and authoritative publicly accepted figures then there will certainly be a very undesirable vacuum created which will eminently spread throughout the region country by country.

- What needs to follow is even more crucial and very delicate yet should be swiftly implemented act of reform that is the redistribution of wealth amongst people on equal basis. Though, easily said, but almost fictional in implementation since we are all familiar with human nature and the concept of what is yours is yours and mine and what is mine is mine and none else...

- Then there is the inevitable academic studies and research that needs to be conducted very thoroughly and extensively in every single Arab region and community regardless of socio/economical status or ethnicity.

- We can start with carrying on surveys amongst our youth to form a basic idea of the level of education and nature of qualifications amongst the masses.

- Industrialization based upon strategic planning is urgently needed to prompt an immediate conversion of our communities from consumer to producer status. This should include evaluating the existing infrastructure and its capacity to accommodate the needed development.

This will involve surveying market needs and demands, nature of production and consumption and the habits and habitats of consumers based upon thorough studies of the changing trend of individual and communal consumer behavior in comparison to today's modern changes in market demands and requirements.

- Government recruitment agencies needs to be formed and such governmental bodies needs to carry on their own surveys to base their strategy and approach upon scientific findings in the process of ushering fresh graduates and the unemployed towards a successful participation in positive social construction.

- The establishment of a coordinating body with regional and local committees aimed to unite efforts to tackle unemployment and massive negative consumption on regional and local levels.

The regional socio/ethnical nature dictates such coordination.

For this long sighted view to be achieved within a period of five years intervals it is absolutely crucial to have such body of diversified committees to be none politically driven and free of any sort of influence be it finance or foreign interests. None bias body neutral and most probably works in interim elective and selective process.

Based upon our own survey we know that the majority of our visitors and members are university graduates and from all walks of life.

We therefore wish to extend our open invitation to all of you to share with us your thoughts and participate in finding a solution to this new challenge which is about to engulf the Middle East region and which may very well end up influencing the world as a whole in future to come unless it is tackled promptly and positively by all and on all levels.

Look forward to hear your comments
Adam El masri

Adam El Masri
Author & Researcher

View the original article here

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