Kamis, 19 April 2012

No Excuse for Tied Hands on Oil Speculation

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AppId is over the quota

Anyone who drives or owns a business has noticed the recent surge in oil and gasoline prices recently. We have also heard that the price is dependent upon nothing more than good old Econ. 101 supply and demand. This is simply not the case, and there is absolutely no reason that the Obama administration has not initiated investigations at the Department of Justice and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.

Oil futures speculation has contributed at least 40% to the recent run up in oil prices. Moreover, Wall Street firms trading in oil futures with no intent to ever take delivery of one drop of oil works to distort the market. Wall Street is not a family farmer attempting to lock in a price for his or her soybeans, or a pig farmer seeking to hedge against a drop in pork belly prices. Wall Street's involvement in any commodities futures market does nothing to serve the people who produce commodities nor the public at large. As of today, Wall Street controls more than thirty times the amount of oil being produced and 80% of the oil futures market. In other words, a group of investors who do not use or produce oil are driving the global price. Supply of oil worldwide is at near record levels, and demand is falling. There can be no other explanation but oil speculation for the recent price spike.

The public does not bear the responsibility to force the administration's hand to enforce the law. Even in the case that the administration fears taking action due to tepid interest by the public in such an investigation, numerous groups have petitioned the government seeking action on this front. Trade groups across the spectrum have begged Obama to take action, from large trucking conglomerates, to food retailers, to major airlines, to large-scale shippers, to mom and pops. One is left with no other explanation but that Wall Street has more power than not only the public, but also major corporations. The list is long and varied. Essentially, Wall Street can do as it damn well pleases.

It is certainly not our position that fossil fuels represent the future of energy, in fact we believe the opposite. This is about a fair market, whether it be for oil or for something more obscure. Price manipulation and price fixing hurts every consumer, and if the administration can prosecute a company for raising the price of milk in three small states, oil should be somewhere on its list of priorities.

It is time for this administration to act, and act boldly. Can Wall Street really be so powerful as to prevent a sitting president from taking action that will quite obviously help his reelection chances? That is a frightening proposition indeed.

Ben Stormer: http://www.thirdpartytime.com/.

We at thirdpartytime.com are dedicated to fostering a government responsive to the people -- a government which acts based upon sound science and sound economics. While we consider ourselves to be progressives, we do not necessarily conform to each and every position consistent with the larger progressive movement, nor do we hold any political party affiliation. We will however applaud members of the two major political parties when they act ethically and responsibly on the peoples' behalf.

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The Necessity For Insights Into Politics

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'Politics' is a term that is scary for many and at the same time the most favorite of many others. While there are those who either hate or look down upon the concept and any activity related to it, there are others who actively plan their life so as to make a career in the field. However, its importance just cannot be denied. The various political ideologies play a vital role in the social and political life of every individual. They have a major impact on our lives. Hence, one should not avoid the topic just because on is not an active politician.

Today, there are multiple online websites that allow you to express your ideology while providing you an opportunity to know about what others wish to say. There could be clash of principles, but the knowledge that you receive would make you a better social being. Anyone who likes to think outside the box needs to be abreast with the existing trends across the globe. Today, the economy is in bad shape, and hence, everybody should be knowledgeable about the politics related to the economy of their nation. The intertwined and complex structures of political power make it impossible for the average person to understand what is going around him. The informational resources online would deal with anything and everything that is guided by the political forces across the globe. You could be under the impression that the group fighting to end the atrocities against an individual's monopoly in Uganda might not have any impact on you. Even if there is no direct correlation, you might soon discover that the poor and the needy at the other end of the world are facing similar political issues like you.

Your constitution has entitled you rights, which are often misinterpreted and misused by the minority, which has an upper hand. By receiving an insight into politics, individuals associated with almost any field would be able to attain their goal in life. Whether you are in ecommerce distribution, social media networking, real estate business, private investing, stock trading, foreign exchange, company acquisition or any such field, you must have some knowledge about the ongoing current political developments. There are ample of blogs extensively dealing with the topics of news value which would help you to be informed. Anyone who has an ambition to gain something in life can make use of these platforms.

There are many independent thinkers who might be able to provide you with the information that you seek. Subscribing to their blogs and referring to the information are excellent practices. The discussions, debates, articles and more would help you learn about the current situations. Your ideas in politics might sound crazy, but you sure have the freedom to express them. The online platforms allow you to express your opinion on various subject matters. Commenting on the blog posts as a guest blogger is an excellent practice to be amidst the exciting topics which are being discussed in your country or region.

Ryan Ridgway is the author of this article on Wealth.
Find more information on Politics here

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Iran and Hizbolah

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Check mate

The final hour of this historical moment is approaching in this international tournament of chess game between the ancient masters of chess and the new prince in the hood.

Iran is the ancient master of this game where as the new prince is none else than the United States.

Will the United States of America be able to execute the last move and check mate on Iran chess board once and for all in this day and age of tribulation!

Will the ancient master succeed to out maneuver the new prince once more, this is yet to be seen, but what is historically recognized as a fact is that Briton was a better opponent in this game especially with Persia...

The last move I am referring to in here obviously is Hezbollah and certainly not Syria. As a matter of fact, Iran has no trust in the Syrian regime due to several known facts; first is Syria was and still is a broker interested in competitively playing a pivotal role in the Middle East game for a higher payoff, Syria managed to fool itself and others that it is small country with super power foreign ministry due to its previous occupation of Lebanon and stretched out manipulation of the Palestinian frictions between its warring and disputing factions. Then there is the other fact which is just as common that is Hezbollah, Hezbollah is an inseparable entity of the Shiite republic of Iran sharing in common creed and belief and divine vision and that makes it the most advanced out post for Iran in its conflict and probable future confrontation with any western power and Israel...

Syria will lose this game because the Syrians are simply playing poker on a chess board, in chess there is no room for a miscalculated gambling, that would only lead to check mate and that is what will eventually happen with Syria.

Iran on the other hand is very successful in playing this chess game and will continue to do so, since a check mate move is not possible in this current standoff situation which left Israel, United States and its allies in a very unenviable confusion.

Iran is as patient in weaving Persian rugs as playing off a last game of chess...

In fact, there has never been any such confusion in taking a decision to strike any of Israel's enemies since the day of its formation, and this is rather unprecedented in modern history.

The same applies for Hezbollah which just as successfully proven to be there to stay (on Israel northern border), and removing it might translate to removing a great chunk of present Israel.

Hezbollah is playing his cards as wittingly as Iran, promising flexibility while showing no retreats and no dodging whatsoever...

We need to consider one solid and uncompromising truth concerning Hezbollah political principal and military stance. Hezbollah cannot compromise, will not compromise not now and not as long as it exists, and for any regional, local or international diplomatic body hoping this would or might ever be achieved in future through negotiation is an utter ignorance of Hezbollah Islamic foundational background which would become illegitimate if Hezbollah either accepts to share power with any none follower of their sect and philosophy or any other governing system not based upon Islamic shariaat law.

It would be easier for Hezbollah to split Lebanon into two separate states instead, or simply do what it is doing now, which is keeping a Maronite Christian ally (Mishal Awn) up front to avoid having to deal directly with any unwanted competitor or adversary which is a genius politics by Hezbollah leadership with a lot of complexity indeed...

As for dealing with Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, well, that would be a very big mistake since they have a divine cause and a very disciplined and systematic vision for a future of eternity in paradise according to their belief...

This year will be very interesting to monitor since coming events promises to be more thrilling than any Hollywood action movie, the coming events are going to be solid reality with vivid and accelerated action fit to re shape the whole of the Middle East and set a new logic of super power concept.

As for the foreseen downfall of the current Syrian regime and leadership, and on the contrary to common belief in that region, such downfall will drastically strengthen Hezbollah and free it from many undesired obligations towards this regime.

Conclusion; if there is any change to take place for the near future it would only be achieved through a bone breaking confrontation between Iran and allies and its sworn enemy Israel and its allies... this is a genuine finger biting situation, I wonder who is going to scream first...

I am afraid all I see for that already tiny country of Lebanon in the near future is a division into some sort of a confederacy to preserve stability and sustain internal peace, otherwise, its another armed conflict for Lebanon as well...

Keep your watch

Adam El masri

Adam El Masri

Author & Researcher


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Socialism Is Great, It's Working Well in the Nordic Countries - He Claimed

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AppId is over the quota

Often socialists will cite the incredible success of socialism in Nordic Countries, however much of their claims are simply nonsense. Indeed, on much closer review things are no so perfect in these nations and so-called socialist utopias. Not long ago, an acquaintance attempted to promote socialism by evoking the examples of Sweden and Denmark as total success, and perfect examples of how socialism is the future, and the path that even the US ought to take. I completely disagree in the strongest terms. Okay so, let's talk shall we?

Interestingly enough, I live in an international tourist town and meet people often from all over the world. I also travel quite a bit and purposefully ask folks I meet where they are from. You see, I have talked with many people in Nordic countries, even those nations my acquaintance had mentioned. Perhaps, what I'd like to do here is give a decent counter argument, not necessarily why socialism is wrong for the US, most of us realize that, but rather to put an end to this rumor that all is warm and fuzzy in these Nordic Countries.

Now then, don't you remember the shootings of all the socialist leadership kids on that island retreat in Norway? Why did that happen? It's simple, as there is a lot of animosity being swept under the socialist carpet of political correctness. I'd say "destroying the individual's life experience" sums it up pretty nicely - direct and to the point, thus, that is my argument as I stated to my acquaintance, so I thought you should know. I'd say it stands and it's valid.

Specifically, as I said before my acquaintance brought up Denmark and Sweden. Do you remember how the cartoonist in Denmark was targeted by outraged Muslims over his depiction of Mohammed as a terrorist? There were many bombings around that country from that incident. Does that sound like a happy society where everyone is living in utopia? The locals are angry, the Muslim immigrants are angry and the government cannot afford to continue what it is doing in the way of socialist promises to the people.

Sweden is having issues things have deteriorated, many indigenous Swedes feel crowded-out and that their country is being overrun, they are angry at their government and there is severe tension between Muslim-Swedes and those who have generations there. Denmark is also having similar challenges, and the political correctness is causing friction, not yet at the point of what happened in Norway, but it's a problem.

Socialism may have worked for a while in these nations when the population was quite homogenous, but not with the increased costs of all the Muslim immigrants. Further, I'd say you should read a piece in the WSJ on March 27, 2012 titled; "Obama's Europa Complex" by Mark Helprin, which makes a lot of similar points to what I am saying here. In fact, one quote in that article pretty much sums it up; "why emulate countries with high budget deficits, high unemployment, low birthrates, and weak defense?"

What I am saying is this, socialism isn't working in those nations, nor has it been all that great in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and we all know the challenges with the EU's economy right now, it's not a pretty picture. Should we blame socialism for this? Absolutely, and to deny that would be wrong. Beware of those preaching socialism for the US. Not only has it not worked there, but it wouldn't work here even if it did in Europe. Nothing is similar, we'd be fools to follow Europe off that cliff. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative eBook on 2012 Q1 Politics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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Governments Worldwide Embrace Voluntary Carbon Market

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The global carbon market has evolved in recent years on the back of negotiation and application of the Kyoto Protocol. Although primarily compliance-driven, the worldwide carbon market includes an active voluntary retail arm. Still very small in comparison with the compliance segment, the voluntary carbon market nevertheless has large growth potential in the prospect of extension to countries not embraced by existing compliance regimes. Additionally, a report by Ecosystem Marketplace has found that more and more national and regional governments are resorting to voluntary carbon offsetting markets to meet emissions reduction targets. Some 21 government programmes are currently under way with nine of these having emerged in the last four years. The report profiles 13 such initiatives, of which five were set up by regional regulators - three in the United States and one each in Italy and Canada - and eight by national governments in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Despite doubts held by a portion of consumers, companies and policymakers as to whether carbon credits are an appropriate means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, governments worldwide have incorporated voluntary climate-change solutions into their formal strategies and development tools for a low-carbon economy. Ecosystem Marketplace found that governments have moved beyond their traditional role of providing oversight for voluntary offsetting programmes to now performing services ranging from the certification of projects and development of emission-reduction methodologies to registering carbon credits and educating buyers.

Research-based data shows that there has been a great shift from scepticism about to acceptance of the voluntary carbon market as a valid complement to regulation. Three years ago, the Carbon Markets & Investors Association (CMIA) and the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA) convened a dialog between national governments and carbon market representatives to identify attitudes towards the voluntary carbon market. The picture to emerge was of the perception amongst most governments of a lack of market transparency, weak governance of existing standards and registries, and a poorly communicated product.

It's a fact that the voluntary carbon market has too much been characterised by an absence of publicly available market information and lack of transparency, together with concerns about the lack of credibility, all of which could hinder future investment and growth. Alongside the absence of a universal registry, an identifiable causal factor has been the range of different procedures applied to projects. Some standards and processes have been backed by credible organisations but many were not available to public scrutiny and could be substantially less rigorous. Now however there is widespread recognition that rigorous standards are critical to ensuring market credibility and providing assurance that carbon offsets put onto the market are genuine, high quality and are not double counted. This created an apparent warming in attitudes towards the voluntary carbon market.

The United States has famously failed to develop a strategy for slowing the process of or adapting to climate change, but that hasn't stopped the US states of Oklahoma, California, and Oregon from creating their own frameworks to support greenhouse gas emissions trading. These sub-national governments use offsetting tools that were developed originally as non-mandatory measures by which companies could reduce their carbon footprints. And now South Korea, South Africa and Costa Rica are not far behind these North American regional governments in looking to use non-compliance offset standards, the research company said. South Africa has indicated it could consider allowing offsets of voluntary origin for use under its proposed carbon tax, the report added.

This rapid governmental shift in attitude towards the private sector and NGO-driven market for voluntary carbon offsetting, notable in the U.S, Asia and Latin America, stands in stark contrast to Europe. EU policymakers have been long wary of some types of carbon credits, particularly those from forestry, which are banned for compliance use in the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). There is also an uneasy relationship between individual EU member states and their regional emissions trading scheme. Indeed, the governments of Italy, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands are increasingly turning to voluntary carbon market mechanisms, both as a source of market innovation to pick up the slack in demand from regulated markets and to exceed formal emission reduction targets.

Emissions reduction volumes in the voluntary market used to be insignificant when compared to the compliance market and the total emissions reductions needed worldwide. However, with the current growth rates of carbon credits traded on the voluntary market, a substantially greater contribution could be realised with subsequent positive outcomes in terms of awareness and regulation.

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Reflections on the Ummah-Nation-State Divide

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Hopefully, this essay will provide some food for thought as we begin the arduous process of rethinking many of the fundamental ideas and institutions that developed during an age that is rapidly drawing to a close. As that age expires, many of the ideas accompanying it must be allowed to expire with it. If we attempt to cling dogmatically to outmoded ideas and institutions, we are only delaying their inevitable demise and handicapping the ability of coming generations to build a world that is a more realistic reflection of their resources, potential and limitations.

One of the most profound developments in the modern history of Islam has been the emergence of the Nation-state in Europe and its subsequent imposition on the Muslim world. Its profundity is illustrated by the fact that it has come to capture the imagination of all politically active Muslims. In the process, it became one of the principal means for consolidating the destruction of a viable Islamic civilization by introducing into the Muslim world an institutional and conceptual framework that helped to hasten the disappearance of the institutions and organizations that gave Muslim societies their unique character and identity.

To briefly illustrate both the pervasiveness and the destructiveness of the nation-state in the Muslim world, we can mention the statement of Dr. Sayyid Hussein Nasr that the Muslim nations are united in their destruction of their respective environmental richness. Hence, Qaddafi's Libya, Saddam's Iraq, The Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. all share a reckless disregard for environmental protection and a total disregard of classical Islamic teachings relating to environmental stewardship and conservation. His point is that these Muslim nation-states, despite their varying ideological orientations, have all waged an undeclared war against their fragile ecosystems.

One of the reasons for this is the imperative that the Muslim nation-states "catch-up" with its western counterparts in terms of economic and industrial development. In the context of a linear view of national development, the argument goes, Muslim nation-states cannot afford the luxury of considering the ecological consequences of their so-called development programs. Environmental protection can only come at the cost of slowing development and the strategic implications of lagging to far behind are too grave for ecological concerns to even be considered.

Before proceeding, let us mention that the nation-state as a modern political arrangement was unknown until 1648, at the earliest, in the aftermath of the signing of the Peace of Westphalia, which resulted in the break-up of the Holy Roman Empire. This is seen as the event that demarcates the birth of the modern nation-state. As far as Muslims are concerned, the idea of a sovereign nation-state is a 20th Century phenomenon. Most contemporary Muslim states did not achieve independence until after the Second World War through the expiration of various colonial mandates and decolonization struggles. There are a few exceptions to this chronology, such as the secular Turkish Republic, which achieved its independence in the aftermath of the First World War.

Prior to the 20th Century, hence, for most of the history of the Muslim Ummah, Muslims organized themselves, politically, according arrangements that primarily reflected tribal or geographical lines of demarcation. A sultan's (political leader) authority was demarcated by the limit of his tax-collecting and rebellion-suppression ability, not according to his claim to hold sway over a territory demarcated by fictitious lines drawn on a map. Similarly, although people may have accepted the authority of a particular sultan, their ultimate allegiance was, practically, to their tribe or clan.

Despite such practical ties, most Muslims held a sentimental attachment to the Ummah, in its conceptualization as the global Muslim community. There were instances when that sentimental attachment translated into tangible political action, such as the Turks soliciting volunteers from lands as far flung as India and Morocco to assist in the expulsion of the European occupiers from the remnants of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of the First World War.

In endeavoring to look at the question of what it means to be a member of the global Muslim Ummah in the context of the modern nation-state, we must look at the different ways we can examine the idea of the Ummah. We can examine it politically, socially, culturally and religiously. In many instances confusion arises when discussing issues related to this topic, we fail to make these distinctions.

Let us begin by looking at the idea of a distinct Ummah, religiously. Most of the verses in the Qur'an dealing with the idea of a single, unified Ummah are religious statements. They demarcate a unique religious community, and in most instances they enjoin upon it specific religious duties.

"Our Lord! Make the two of us submissive unto you, and from our progeny a community submissive unto you. Teach us our rituals, and accept our repentance. Surely, you are most accepting of repentance, the all merciful".

"Thus have we made you a moderate community in order that that you be a witness against humanity and the Messenger will be a witness against you".

"Let there arise from you a group calling to all good, enjoining right and forbidding wrong. They are those who will be successful".

"You are the best community brought forth [to serve] humanity. You command good, forbid wrong and you believe in Allah".

"They are not the same! Among the People of the Scripture is an upright group that recites the Signs of Allah, throughout the night, all the while in humble prostration".

"How [will it be] when We bring forth from every community a witness, and We will bring you forth as a witness against these".

'Verily, this community of yours is a unified community, and I am your Lord. Worship Me!"

In these verses Allah describes a religious community that has been commissioned with religious responsibilities: submission to God; undertaking certain rituals; witnessing for or against humanity; recipients of and preservers of a scripture; followers of the Prophetic tradition; calling to the path of God; enjoining the right; forbidding the wrong; believing in God; a community that will be testified against by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah upon him, a community established to worship Allah.

These functions are religious duties or obligations that can be performed within or outside of the context of a nation-state. There is no excuse for Muslims not to be performing them in whatever time or place we find ourselves in. This is the most basic level of our defining our membership in the Ummah of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah upon him. This is a level that defenders of most modern nation-states would view as noncontroversial.

Another level we can consider the Ummah is directly associated with the first. As a religious community of shared rituals, a shared liturgical language, shared dietary conditions, a common general dress code and unique approaches to art and music, Muslims share a common culture. This shared reality creates an Ummah at the cultural level. This cultural Ummah, cuts across the various nations, tribes and geographical regions that comprise the religious Ummah. At its height, it allowed Ibn Battuta to travel over 70,000 miles, from Tangiers in Morocco to Indonesia, and to remain, for the most part in a single, integrated cultural zone. Hence, he was able to become a judge in the Maldives. He was at home wherever he went in the vast Muslim world. His situation stands in stark contrast to Marco Polo, who traveled to many of the same areas a quarter century before Ibn Battuta. The latter was an outside observer in virtually all of the lands he traversed.

This cultural unity has indeed decayed, but it is still an extant reality, even in its diminished form. Muslims pray the same way the world over. We fast the same month of Ramadan in the same way the world over. If a Muslim from Canada and or the United States were to go to Indonesia or Mali he or she would find Muslims praying and fasting exactly as he or she is praying or fasting, and if they were educated, Islamically, they could communicate with their hosts in the Arabic language. Standards governing what constitutes acceptable or Halal food are universal among Muslims.

These cultural distinctions of the Ummah should be actively encouraged regardless of the political imposition of the nation-state over the Muslim people, as they are distinctions that are apolitical in nature. Those cultural traditions that are disappearing, such as calligraphy, spiritual musical, etc. should be revived. Furthermore, these standards have always accommodated local influences. Thus, by way of example, even though traditional Malay food or dress would be viewed as Islamic, it differs markedly from the traditional Fulani, West African Muslim food or dress owing to the unique Malay of Fulani contributions to the Islamic ideal.

It should be also be understood that the cultural reality of Islam has preceded, coexisted with and will likely outlive the nation-state. This latter statement does not assume an inherent superiority of the "Islamic." It assumes that humans will find superior ways to organize their societies than the already anachronistic (to some extent) nation-state. Again, these are levels of endeavor that most advocates and defenders of the nation-state will not find controversial.

The most controversial level of analysis in terms of assessing the relationship between the Muslim Ummah and the nation-state is at the level of politics. Here the degree of controversy does not arise from Islam, if that were the case, the nation-state would have never become the dominant form of political organization among the Muslim people.

The ongoing "Arab Spring" illustrates the pervasiveness of the degree to which Muslims have accepted the nation-state. The various movements in different Muslim countries are focused on who will control the nation-state. They are not movements that challenge the validity of the state itself. The movements' principal slogan illustrates this:

"The people want the downfall of the regime".

The activists, both Muslim and secular, are calling for the eradication of the oppressive ruling regimes, not the eradication of the state itself.

What controversy between Muslims and the nation-state that does exist arises from the nation-state itself, not from Islam and Muslims, with the exception of fringe groups that have little political relevance in their respective societies. The critical question here is what does the nation-state demand of the Ummah. If the nation-state demands the acceptance of a common set of political obligations and the assumption of a common set of political responsibilities, which advance the common good of all of its members, and I am speaking of Muslims in the context of a pluralistic, representative state, then the degree of controversy can be managed.

Among the most fundamental obligations and responsibilities for Muslims living in the western, secular, pluralistic nation-states are the following:

1) Respecting the sanctity of the life, property and honor of one fellow citizens;

2) Respecting the sanctity of the public space;

3) Respecting the plurality of ideas, beliefs and the personal freedoms that underlie them; and expecting that the belief, ideas and personal freedoms of Muslims will be protected.

These are obligations that virtually all Muslims will find acceptable and consistent with Islamic beliefs and values.

However, if the nation-state demands blind, unconditional allegiance that crosses into the realm of worship, which some fascist definitions of the nation-state imply, then the state is elevated to the level of an idol and idolatry is forbidden in Islam. Consider the following view of the fascist state by one of its most influential theorists and architects, the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini:

Against individualism, the Fascist conception is for the State; and it is for the individual in so far as he coincides with the State, which is the conscience and universal will of man in his historical existence. It is opposed to classical Liberalism, which arose from the necessity of reacting against absolutism, and which brought its historical purpose to an end when the State was transformed into the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the interests of the particular individual; Fascism reaffirms the State as the true reality of the individual. And if liberty is to be the attribute of the real man, and not of that abstract puppet envisaged by individualistic Liberalism, Fascism is for liberty. And for the only liberty which can be a real thing, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State. Therefore, for the Fascist, everything is in the State, and nothing human or spiritual exists, much less has value, outside the State. In this sense Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State, the synthesis and unity of all values, interprets, develops and gives strength to the whole life of the people.

This conceptualizing of the state is not only forbidden in Islam, it runs counter to the western, pluralistic democratic state as we know it and as it was envisioned by its founders. It is therefore a patriotic duty for Muslims and all other concerned citizens to oppose any fascist views that involve the deification of the state. Critically, and this is an issue I have addressed at length elsewhere, it is a duty of Muslims to oppose efforts deifying an authoritarian, totalitarian state in the name of Islam, or the "Islamic" state.

One of the greatest steps we can take to undermine the emergence of fascist views of the nation-state is to "de-reify" it. In other words, the modern state is not an anthropomorphized, monolithic, living, "spiritual" entity. It is an pseudo-abstraction comprised of individuals, groups, institutions and organizations, which have in most instances varying interests. Each of these is connected to a particular nation-state in different ways. Take the example of the United States.

It is comprised of groups that have been labeled Native American, African Americans, White Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, home-owing Americans, corporate Americans, oil industry-controlling Americans, defense-contracting Americans, etc. Each of these groups is connected in different and differing ways to the American project. Some groups are able to control and manipulate the institutions of government in ways that advance their interests, while other have little or no influence over those institutions.

Usually, but not always, groups are connected to the American project in ways that reflect their being the victims or beneficiaries of that project. For example, many Native Americans feel no connection at all to America. As a result they are seeking independence from the United States and endeavoring to establish sovereign nations. Some African Americans, whose ancestors were brought to America in chains, lack the same sense of patriotism that resides in the breasts of many who came to America freely and found prosperity for themselves and their progeny. Their feeling is expressed well in the following words of Fredrick Douglas. In his moving speech, What is the Fourth of July to the Negro, Douglas stated:

"The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity and independence, bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought light and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn. To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak today?"

Yet, even among African Americans, there is a a wide range of feelings towards America. While many would share the bitterness expressed by Douglass, others display a more ambivalent attitude towards the country. Consider the words of Langston Hughes when he writes, critically, but hopefully, in his poem, "Let America be American Again":

"O, yes, I say it plain,

America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath- America will be!

Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,

The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,

We, the people, must redeem

The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.

The mountains and the endless plain-

All, all the stretch of these great green states-

And make America again!"

Yet other Americans of African descent find no problem in an unqualified embrace of the American project and unabashed praise for the country. This group is represented by the likes of Reverend Archibald Carey, Jr., an African American minister whose words informed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s I Have a Dream Speech. He proudly proclaimed in an address to the 1952 Republican Convention:

"We, Negro Americans, sing with all loyal Americans: My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims' pride From every mountainside Let freedom ring!"

The point I am making here is that if African Americans are this complex and diverse in terms of a connection to the American project then what about the entire country and all of its ethnic, racial and religious elements. That diversity is what makes America unique, and it argues against a fascist vision of the state that would seek to disguise that diversity beneath an imaginary uniformity generated by an authoritarian state.

In conclusion, America, and most other modern western nation-states are composed of many elements. Muslims, in varying numbers at various times have always been one of those elements. As such, the struggle of American Muslims, both to live peacefully in this land as Muslims, and the struggle to define the nature and terms of our engagement with the state, while belonging to a global Muslim community, are uniquely American struggles. As such, we have an obligation to our ancestors who preceded us in this land to continue that struggle, and we have an obligation to our fellow citizens to work along with them to preserve the integrity of the sociopolitical arrangement that made that struggle possible.

By Zaid Shakir

Imam Zaid Shakir is a co-founder and faculty member of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, CA. As a gifted author and lecturer, he was ranked as one of the world's most influential Scholars by "The 500 Most Influential Muslims", edited by John Esposito and Ibrahim Kalin, (2009).

He has also authored numerous articles. His groundbreaking books are "Heirs of the Prophets" in 2002, "Scattered Pictures: Reflections of An American Muslim" in 2005, an award-winning text "Treatise for the Seekers of Guidance" in 2008, and Where I'm Coming From: The Year In Review, in 2010.

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The Great Age of African Coup D'etat Seen Through the Calamitous Adventures of One African General

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Obamacare and the Supreme Court Oral Arguments

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There's new found excitement from the conservative ranks today. As the Supreme Court hears oral arguments there's close observation of each justice's response. We hang on their every word excruciatingly squinting to read between their descriptive lines. If we listen closely and if we analyze critically we believe we can accurately predict how each justice will vote.

We ask ourselves, do their responses give us legitimate insight into how they think? Absolutely! The words that spew from our mouths generally come from deep inside our heart. Generally, but not always! Can we assess their statements throughout the three or four days of oral arguments and then draw an accurate conclusion? By reading their actions and reactions can we accurately predict which side of the constitutional mandate they will fall?

I would state a resounding "no way!" Just because Justice Roberts chose to go toe to toe with government council does not enable us clear vision as to how he will vote. Just because Justice Kennedy has offered descriptive and compelling arguments explaining the unconstitutionality of the individual mandate is not truly indicative of his innermost thoughts regarding the Accountable Care Act (ACA) and certainly does not provide us high predictive value into how he will vote. Especially knowing that Justice Kennedy purportedly holds the decisive swing vote.

Even though the highest court in the land is responsible for legal interpretation rather than political legislation, the reality is at this time in American history, the court has positioned itself as a body of politicians or legislatures, rather than a group of jurists. Seemingly they would rather shape and influence politics.

And therefore, I believe that Justice Roberts and Kennedy's statements are more similar to posturing or politicking, rather than a window into their intellectual soul.

I won't be surprised in the least if after all arguments are made, and our initial excitement or sense of security in the initial reaction from our US Supreme Court Justices with regards to the lack of constitutional authority for an individual health insurance mandate and after the parliamentary dust settles, we hear a loud and clear, "however"!

I'm expecting a response something like this from The Court in the near future..."However, even though Congress cannot impose mandates on essentially all products and services, health care is unique and therefore not like any other American product or service. Therefore, the American people must not look at this as our US government telling each of us that we must purchase health insurance. Instead we must reshape our thinking from a required mandate to a desired participation. We should think of this as being prescribed that distasteful medicine that we need to cure whatever disease is ailing us. Like that bitter cough syrup our old General Practitioner (GP) prescribed 50 years ago. We should want to participate in this national health plan because it will be good for us." this is the response I personally am expecting from The Court. And I think their explanation will go something like this..."And the most important thing to remember is that patients (American citizens) don't always know or appreciate what is best for them. Like a parent nurtures their child, or like a doctor treats their patient, the government knows better than we do, and therefore, we should want to participate in, say healthy eating, whether we like, say broccoli, or not, because it is good for us."

Thus, when one looks at how the Supreme Court is posturing regarding individual mandates, it's imperative to remember things are not often as they appear. Or, what you see isn't always what you get. Therefore, I for one, will not be surprised after all the Supreme Court dust settles, if there's a big "but" standing in the doorway claiming the individual mandate in this particular situation is acceptable, constitutional, but most importantly what is best for each one of us.

Also, don't forget, even though we are examining this issue critically this week, for the past two years the PPACA has been the law and much of it has already been implemented. If I'm wrong and the Supreme Court does decide this health insurance requirement is unconstitutional, the court can't simply snap their fingers and have the PPACA magically go away. And if your waiting for their opinion to be given at the end of this week, don't hold your breath, because they won't officially make their ruling until mid summer, which gives the politicians plenty of time to persuade The Court to change their collective mind.

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The Failure of the Founders of The US Constitution

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Several years ago I began to feel overwhelmed by all the reports coming from Washington, especially the magnitude of deficit spending and I decided to get involved. While reading the 'Five Thousand Year Leap', I began asking myself if the Founders may have overlooked something in the U.S. Constitution which may have prevented us from veering so far off track. It inspired me to explore further into the teachings of some of the early political philosophers and Founding Fathers. Let us look at what I discovered.

The treatise of the Founders of the U. S. Constitution are insightful testaments to the credence that they acknowledged and understood human nature and Nature's Law; but the divide currently observed in the general public provides evidence they failed to act upon one or more of these basic principles. To better appreciate this presumptuous proposition, I advocate an examination of a number of their convictions and the prevailing circumstance of the time. While some of the information will be a review, the justification for requesting your time is to introduce you to a number of concepts and historical events that I found absent in the education I received from public institutions.

The thirteen colonies that declared independence from the British Empire were in effect separate and independent nations. They did not begin as "The United States of America" and few were in favor of joining together under a single system of government. The Articles of Confederation which bound their alliance was approved by The Continental Congress in 1777; but it was little more than a "Committee of the States" with little influence and a complete absence of power to levy taxes. Its authority was undermined and contingent upon support brought about by the limited agreements among the states. Lack of proper funding for the military during the Revolutionary War and the failure to manage civil disobedience such as Shay's Rebellion revealed the necessity of a more influential and powerful administration.

Mindful of the trepidation of aggressive centralized power in conjunction with the requirement to enrich the Articles of Confederation and advance the coalition, delegates to the Constitutional Convention assembled in 1787 to explore the alternatives availed them. Equipped with the scholarly teachings of Polybius, Cicero, Locke, Montesquieu and others, they began their deliberations. To better understand the task assigned them, we must study the nature of the different forms of government from which they might choose; and examine the established societies amid the divergent colonies.

Our first task is to agree upon the definition of government and for what purpose it serves. Although it may be a little difficult to grasp, I introduce to you, John Locke's opinion in 'The Two Treatises of Civil Government', "To understand political power right,... we must consider, what state all men are naturally in... a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions as they think fit... without asking leave, or depending upon the will of any other man... A state also of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdictionis reciprocal, no one having more than another... that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions". "Political power, then, I take to be a right of making laws with penalties of death, and consequently all less penalties, for the regulating and preserving of property, and of employing the force of the community, in the execution of such laws, and in the defence of the common-wealth from foreign injury; and all this only for the public good".

I advocate that every man is the ruler of his own dominion and that without interaction with other men he has no need of government; but when men gather together in societies, it is necessary to create statutes that govern the dealings among them.

Polybius introduced the theory that there exist six distinctive natural forms of government: despotism, monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, democracy andmob-rule (anarchy). An examination of these styles of government identified by Polybius will quickly classify three as unsatisfactory options when one considers a new constitution. However, before we eliminate these unacceptable choices from our inventory, I summit to you the similarity of attributes associated with these oppressive forms. In each instance, the virtue and morality of the sovereign is diminished to the extent that greed and covetousness become the motivating factors of behavior and force is the only way to retain power. It may also be observed that the converse of this proposal holds true for the remaining alternatives. The sovereign are obliged to maintain higher levels of nobility, sincerity and decency to sustain the esteem necessary to safeguard the administration and the citizens. It is also confirmed by the testaments of many historians that a democracy requires exemplary levels of morality in the sovereign. Baron de Montesquieu may have stated this best in 'Spirit of the Laws' with, "When virtue is banished, ambition invades the minds of those who are disposed to receive it, and avarice possesses the whole community".

To survive and remain prosperous, the most sacred principle that any government must recognize and hold fast is the protection of, or the complete domination and control of religious conviction; no government has long survived when it takes the middle road on this issue. Human nature does not appear to tolerate a "little" interference from government where freedom of religion is practiced. Nothing turns man's thoughts from the ballot box to the ammo box more quickly than attempts to suppress his theological beliefs.
Other principles acknowledged by cohesive nations are: governments do not grant human rights, these rights of liberty are granted at birth; each power delegated to government requires the surrender of one or more of these individual liberties. Government must hold the admiration of a majority of the people; it must strive to protect their interest and wellbeing; and not the promotion of its own subsistence.

The only reasons for government to exist are: to create laws or regulations that protect the safety of the citizens, promote the general wellbeing of society and provide for the common defense while seizing as few individual liberties from the people as necessary. It is as simple as that; there are no other essential duties governments need perform. Coinciding with these, it is necessary to impartially generate just enough revenue to carry out these duties as efficiently as possible without overdue burden on the people.

Keenly aware of the acceptable forms of natural governments and cognizant of the undesirable aspects of monarchies and aristocracies the founders were inclined to consider the advantages and disadvantages of democracies where the people hold the sovereign power. Let us evaluate some of the attributes of a Democracy.

A true democracy allows all citizens, who have been granted the right of suffrage, to participate in the policy making or creation of law which dictates the administration of the government. Democracies are limited by the capacity of people to physically gather together from time to time and debate a subject with civil discourse. By definition this constraint restricts it to smaller regions or populations. The idea of selecting council to represent the constituencies of multiple factions lessens this inadequacy and introduces the mixed form of government referred to as Republican. The Republican form of government also helps resolve one concern identified by Mr. Montesquieu, "As most citizens have sufficient ability to choose, though unqualified to be chosen, so the people, though capable of calling others to an account for their administration, are incapable of conducting the administration themselves". The Republican form leaves sovereignty in the custody of those that have the right of suffrage and borrows from the aristocracy the idea that the noblest of men will be selected to represent the community.

There is another principle that must be addressed to avoid the demise of a Republic and I shall call upon Mr. Montesquieu for his opinion, "The public business must be carried on with a certain motion, neither too quick nor too slow. But the motion of the people is always either too remiss or too violent. Sometimes with a hundred thousand arms they overturn all before them; and sometimes with a hundred thousand feet they creep like insects". To facilitate conscious reasoned actionon matters of significance by the sovereign; the Constitution provides the First Amendment guaranteeing free speech. Thus allowing continual discussion on matters of grave importance but then it limits the people's ability to take action while satisfying their need to do so by providing periodic elections; therefore necessitating extensive periods of debate to enact change.

In a Republic, as the people delegate their sovereign authority to their representatives the less they retain awareness of the decisions made on their behalf and the less they feel empowered; therefore, the closer these powers remain to the people, while harmony exists among the diverse societies, the more the people stay informed, involved and retain their mind-set of being empowered. Conversely, when conflict cannot be resolved locally, it is advanced to higher echelons of government, where calmer minds prevail, pending a solution. The founders recognized the inevitability of population growth and an increase in the numbers of diverse societies. The Constitution's intentional distribution of power from the people to local authority then to the States and lastly the Federal Government permits the citizenry to more closely monitor the activities of government and the restrictions it might impose on them. The Founders believed, the inherent role of central government to protect the security and freedoms of society should not alter with the changing needs of society and that the States or local authorities would resolve most of the civil conflicts.

I believe we can agree the Founders designed the Constitution including the Bill of Rights on basic principles of good government which has been previously discussed. Also built into the Constitution are many checks and balances to limit power allocated to the central authority, without endangering the autonomy of the states; and the Separation of Powers between the branches.
The House of Representatives will be selected by the general population. The Senate will represent the States and consist of two Senators. The President selected by an appointed body of electors; the process of appointing said electors resting with the individual state Legislatures. The Judicial Branch consisting of a Supreme Court established by the constitution and inferior courts established by Congress; with Justices, nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate. The House of Representatives is granted the power of Impeachment with the trial being conducted in the Senate. Revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives. Senate must confirm appointments to major departments, treaties and ambassadors. Both Houses of the Legislature must pass all bills before submitting them to the President. The President is granted the power of veto. Congress may override the veto with a two thirds majority in both Houses. Congress may propose amendments to the Constitution. Ratification of proposed amendments requires approval by three fourths of the States.

The United States of America now has a foundation upon which to build a new coalition and we've discussed the Founders' rationale behind the statutes in the document; now let us appraise their success.

A testament to the success of America came from an impartial witness from France, Alexis de Tocqueville when he authored 'Democracy in America' published in 1835; he recounts the conditions he observed during his travels, "The European generally submits to a public officer because he represents a superior force; but to an American he represents a right. In America it may be said that no one renders obedience to man, but to justice and to law. If the opinion which the citizen entertains of himself is exaggerated, it is at least salutary; he unhesitatingly confides in his own powers, which appear to him to be all-sufficient. When a private individual meditates an undertaking, however directly connected it may be with the welfare of society, he never thinks of soliciting the co-operation of the government: but he publishes his plan, offers to execute it himself, courts the assistance of other individuals, and struggles manfully against all obstacles. Undoubtedly he is less successful than the state might have been in his position; but in the end, the sum of these private undertakings far exceeds all that the government could effect".

The industrial revolution had begun and Mr. Tocqueville is amazed by what he has observed; he credits the productive environment to the vast freedom and liberty enjoyed by the common citizen. An additional concept of a productive society comes from Adam Smith and I am amused by his words, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest". It is in human nature where we discover that labors are maximized when the reward is greatest. In America we have mostly relied on the entrepreneur's self-reliance and self-interest to determine the direction of investment and the course of the economy. This course of action has served us well!
Another observation noted by Mr. Tocqueville, "Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more did I perceive the great political consequences resulting from this state of things, to which I was unaccustomed. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom pursuing courses diametrically opposed to each other; but in America I found that they were intimately united, and that they reigned in common over the same country... In the United States the sovereign authority is religious... there is no country in the whole world in which the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America, and there can be no greater proof of its utility, and of its conformity to human nature, than that its influence is most powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation of the earth... The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other".

As you may detect, I afford an abundant amount of ink to the observations of Mr. Tocqueville; this I do to illustrate the conditions that remain in America after five decades under the Constitution; but preceding the Civil War and the Progressive Era that followed. I suggest you not gloss over these annotations as it is imperative that you understand, except for the existence of slavery, all seemed well within the borders of America. Attempt to amend the history of this nation all you desire, but only a casual review of any transcript originating during this period will divulge that virtue and religion played primary roles in the development of American prosperity.

We have learned the Founding Fathers employed their understanding of several thousand years of human behavior including the strengths and weaknesses of previous and existing governments in their attempt to establish a new manner of government that might long last and allow divergent factions to coexist and prosper. Nevertheless, an analysis of the relations between the differing political and cultural factions in America today exposes antagonistic behaviors not witnessed since the Civil Rights movement of the prior century. If we consider these, one might infer the Founders deprived the Federal Government of some authority which would allow it to anticipate calamity and take action to prevent it. Let us investigate this premise.

The earth's ethnicity has altered in the past century as travel and communication have enlightened each of us to the other's customs and traditions. But one need only review migration patterns of mankind throughout history and behold the world population's trends and behaviors. As the old proverb asserts, "Birds of a feather flock together." The Constitutional Republic envisioned by our founders takes into consideration the need for different ethnic groups and religions to coexist under a central government. The States are allowed to differ one from the other and any impartial examination will disclose they do have countless differences. These differences are even more apparent as we consider the cities, towns, communities and neighborhoods around the country. When differing persons or factions are in conflict they should and must rely on government for peaceful solutions. The question is; at what level of government should they begin their search?

We read in The Declaration of Independence, "all men are created equal", and some will assert the Civil War was fought over this. I will not totally disagree; because until after that war and passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, this was not the law of the land. In fact, this issue was not resolved, in law, until it was escalated to the Federal Government and the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964. This certainly was one 'Failing of the Founders' where we might agree. It is here we find an example of where it became necessary to delegate the people's authority to the highest level of government to ascertain a solution; but one legitimate example does not obligate us to delegate this authority for any other issue exposed within these borders.

Let us assume my neighbor and I have many cultural and philosophical disagreements and in fact can scarcely tolerate being in each others presence. To avoid daily conflict, are we not required to deliberate and discover common ground which will allow us to exist in some form of harmony or to seek mediation from a higher authority? Of course we are! Then, once we have reached agreement, should we expect all persons experiencing similar disagreements to accept the same solutions to which we have agreed? If you concur that we should not, then you must also agree that the closer to home a solution can be sought, the higher the probability of informed mediation and greater the chance of finding a satisfactory resolution.

For arbitration to have a final solution it is sometimes necessary to look beyond our own self-interest. John Locke alleged, "for, to be a good man, a good intention is necessary, and we should love our country not so much on our own account as out of regard to the community".

I assert that enough evidence has been presented thus far to illustrate, in a Republic, where the Sovereign authority resides with the people, each person, community or faction should be allowed to manage their own affairs so long as they do not interfere with the affairs of another. When conflict exist in society, it should be dealt with and resolved as close to the cause as feasible; this principle can be applied to any action of government. An issue originating in the interior-city of Detroit will probably not be resolved with the same solution as a similar issue found in a rural community of the same State of Michigan.

Let us investigate what has changed in America and the Constitution that may have had a profound effect on the behavior of society and government since Mr. Tocqueville documented his observations in 1835? For example, there have been thirteen amendments; and if time and space would allow we should probably examine each and every one to establish the effect it has had. Do not be alarmed; I have no intention of making this any more of an American History tutorial than necessary to determine the basis for the situation that currently exists.

The most active subject, suffrage, was addressed in six of these amendments and while it did significantly increase the percentage of citizens with the legal right to vote and according to Mr. Montesquieu may contribute to some of the discourse, I do not think it to be a major factor. The two amendments which I believe have had the greatest effect and removed some of the checks and balances that the Founders deemed necessary are the Sixteenth and Seventeenth. Before we investigate other influences, let us review these amendments in the reverse order of ratification.

The Seventeenth Amendment provided for the direct election of Senators by the people (Remember they were selected by the State Legislatures). Does this not negate the States' representation in the Federal Government and remove a major level of the Republic so carefully planned by the Founders? Even if a majority of the State Legislators oppose an edict imposed on them by Washington, what recourse do they currently have except through the expansive and lengthy path of the Judicial Branch? Before they can get a ruling, which often finds in their favor, millions and sometimes billions of precious dollars are wasted while thousands of lives may well have been negatively impacted by ill conceived laws and regulations.

The Sixteenth Amendment was approved by Congress in 1909 when it was widely promoted the country was becoming insolvent; the nation was over 2.6 billion dollars in debt and had been suffering deficits for most of the previous fifteen years. The amendment provided, for the first time, the authority of the Federal Government to impose a direct tax on incomes with the anticipation that the people would hold it accountable for the quantity it would be inclined to collect. This anticipated control may have received additional debate and consideration had Congress been as knowledgeable as the Founders were of Mr. Montesquieu: "the people, whose nature is to act through passion... we often see them as much inflamed on account of an actor as ever they could be for the welfare of the state. The misfortune of a republic is when intrigues are at an end; which happens when the people are gained by bribery and corruption: in this case they grow indifferent to public affairs, and avarice becomes their predominant passion. Unconcerned about the government and everything belonging to it, they quietly wait for their hire".

Since the ratification of the sixteenth amendment, the amount of annual spending by the Federal Government as a percentage of GDP has increased from 3.4 in 1930 (first available record according to Office of Management and Budget ) to a record 25.2 in 2009. Imagine, prior to Social Security in 1935, and other social programs that followed, the Federal Government was able to fulfill its Constitutional responsibilities using less than 3.5 percent of GDP. You must concede; the Federal Government has been procuring massive amounts of power and influence for the past century while abducting individual liberties from the people and the States.

It is reported that forty-seven percent of American households paid no federal income tax in 2011; is this helping the poor or buying votes? The answer depends on who you ask. I have not read where forty-seven percent of households in America are beneath the poverty level; therefore, I tend to lean toward the "buying votes" side. Tocqueville warned, "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money".

Additionally, ease of transportation plus advancements in technologies provide us with copious amounts of news and information; which make each of us unusually aware of issues, conflicts and suffering that would have mostly gone unnoticed in an earlier time. I contend that because we are more aware of these issues; we, as caring beings, wish to assume some responsibility to provide a solution. Helpless in our individual capacities to provide a desirable resolution, we are willing to delegate this mission to higher influences of society. To help ease our conscience, we may even demand solutions at the ballot box; where we find politicians, who, ready to capture additional power, are eager to oblige. I do not propose society overlook these issues and suffering; I merely suggest we examine each solution to determine where it might be managed in the most efficient method possible. If we continue to search for answers from the Federal Government, we must also lower our expectations and understand we will receive generic answers for specific concerns.

It is as if the current generation has lost all common sense. And speaking of 'Common Sense' let us observe a few words of wisdom from Thomas Paine, "The more simple any thing is, the less liable it is to be disordered, and the easier repaired when disordered". Mr. Paine advises us to seek simple solutions where possible; the more complicated the process, the more difficult the modifications and/or repairs.

Additional warning came from Mr. Tocqueville, "When the taste for physical gratifications among them has grown more rapidly than their education... the time will come when men are carried away and lose all self-restraint... it is not necessary to do violence to such a people in order to strip them of the rights they enjoy; they themselves willingly loosen their hold... they neglect their chief business which is to remain their own masters". We've passed our responsibilities from our neighborhoods, churches, communities, cities and States; we have allowed the horses to wander far from the barn and it will not be easy to gather them and return them to their stalls. It will be necessary to search in the thickets, briars, brambles and swamps; there will be cuts, scrapes and adversity. This suffering must be endured now and for the sake of future generations; we are the undisciplined generation that became so self-absorbed and ignorant of our duties.

We must recognize and correct the mistakes that have been made. The seventeenth amendment extinguished the States' representation in the Halls of Congress and moved the balance of power too far in favor of the Federal Government. This amendment must be repealed; there is no other solution for the mistake that was made. I have recently heard discussion to rid the nation of another imposition place on us by the Founders; some wish to abolish the Electoral College and choose the President by a majority of the popular vote. Before we slither into a Democracy, let us look back to the lessons handed down through antiquity.

The sixteenth amendment rewarded the Federal Government with enormous authority to collect excessive amounts of revenue without proper controls. Using these unwarranted monies, it has implemented many programs in the name of Social Justice. Government should protect and safeguard equality on the playing field; not fix the game to guarantee the outcome will be a dead heat. There exist numerous possible solutions for this mistake but I believe this amendment must be repealed or we must approve additional amendments which will link the amount of revenue collected to a percentage of the GDP. This topic also needs to end the Federal Government's tradition of collecting revenues in excess of what is required to carry out the limited and carefully defined powers delegated and set forth in the Constitution. It must abolish the practice of collecting revenues and then returning said monies to the States with regulations and/or mandates. If repair of a common ill is required; let it first be addressed at the lowest levels of government and only escalated forward until the infirmity has been medicated or eradicated.

The Founders had nothing to do with the ratification of the sixteenth amendment but they were keenly aware and did foresee the possibility of Congress bribing the public with the public's treasury. I contend this oversight was a 'Failing of the Founders'.

I also wish to bring attention to the ability of private businesses to influence public policy and contracts. A business that feeds from the public trough should operate under similar rules as a 501(c)(3) organization. It can not be allowed to contribute to political campaigns or lobby at any level of the public domain in a partisan way. This also applies to public employee unions. Unions that negotiate for wages and benefits of public employees should not be allowed to contribute to the election of officials who then in turn reward them with the public purse. Why such a business or union is be permitted to contribute to the coffers of a politician's campaign, while it is illegal for a Church to do the same, is beyond me; and to allow them this capability defies all relationships with common sense.

Mr. Paine also advised, "A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right." These failed principles have long been set in place and we have come to accept there is no other action to provide the results we desire. We must return to the traditions founded upon our Judeo-Christian values. You are not required to be "foolish" enough to believe in The Devine Creator but you can not possibly be foolish enough to believe man can live in societies where virtue and morality is void. Allow the Churches to return to the public square; and teach the doctrines and moral values upon which all virtuous nations have constructed their foundations.

There are other topics we can bring up for consideration but I believe many of these will find their own solutions when we return to the convictions of our Founders and become involved in the management of our affairs. I leave you with a thought from Calvin Coolidge about the Constitution, "It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions".

About the Author

Larry W. Davis is an active member of the TEA Party Movement in Texas. Since 2008 he has been working with like minded patriots to bring the over reaching federal and state governments back to the Constitutional principles of the Founding Fathers.
If you would like additional information about getting involved in this movement, check out TeaParty911.

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Obama Administration's Proposed Budget Is Pandering for Votes From the Socialist Leaning Masses

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AppId is over the quota

Over the years, I've been completely critical of various presidents and their proposed budgets. It seems to be a trick of the executive branch to put in budget proposals for all of the voting groups, and all of the major industries, even if the proposed budget is completely out of line with reality. Then the president in question, whether it be this one, the last one, or the three before that can always blame the U.S. Congress for not passing their budget, and tell all the voters in all those various industries and voting block groups that is not their fault, that they were going to bat for them, and that they were on their side.

Still, this sort of pandering for votes is rather alarming, and when President Obama put forth his most recent budget I noted that it was $1.3 trillion above and beyond the total amount of money that the federal government expected to collect from the US taxpayer. That's not a budget, that's not helping America, and if this is some store of a stealth stimulus package to keep the economy going strong until President Obama can get reelected, it really shows a disdain for the obligations of leadership in the highest office in the land, and the leader of the free world. I am not amused, I am not impressed, and I am highly troubled by this type of political pandering.

We cannot keep blowing money on nonsensical things and expect the Federal Reserve to continually take stuff off of one side of their balance sheet and carefully place it on the other. If businesses or corporation did that they would be jailed for fraud. Our federal government, and specifically the executive branch is forcing the Federal Reserve to engage in this sort of activity. Further, the reason that our economy is not firing on all cylinders right now is quite simple. It's because our federal government has grown too large, and is stifling free enterprise at every turn with abusive power grabs, infringing regulations, and crony capitalism.

Socialism is wrong for America and a populist president engaging in socialist behavior promising the masses things which the government cannot afford, and should not afford will destroy America if we let it. We are proud nation, a strong nation, and we should be a fiscally responsible country. We ask our citizens to be responsible with their finances, and our government should do the same. Our federal government's number one job is to protect the American people all this other nonsense may sound good, but we are making industries weak with corporate welfare, and we are making our citizens weak with social welfare. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Politics in 2012. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

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Real Wealth Ends Depressions

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AppId is over the quota

In reality, government spending and provision can never end a depression. A depression can only be ended by real wealth creation through supply and demand, by finding a need and finding someone who has the means to meet that need with real wealth, not printed money. When the government provides, it must eventually print money, which causes inflation, leaving the nation worse off in the long term. Why? Because feeding money into the economy without labor to provide supply, coupled with driving up wages beyond the supplier's ability to pay for supply always drives up prices.

There are no free lunches in creating true wealth. Even the scriptures states, those who are not willing to work should not eat. The wealth of a nation does not come through giving men fish, but rather, teaching men to fish and giving them opportunity to fish for themselves.

Ungodly politicians know this, they are banking that the people never come to the understanding of this truth, so they can continue to trade provision for votes.

The poor nor the government cannot end depressions, the rich must end depressions. But the ungodly rich use depressions to get richer, instead of using wealth to end depressions.

So, it is left up to the godly rich to end depressions according to the scriptures. If the godly rich see a need, meet that need, expecting nothing in return, but the return always comes and a much bigger one at that.

If the real truth were to be revealed, we would most likely see that it is the ungodly rich who start depressions to get richer, and it is the godly rich who must end depressions, because it is the right thing to do.

What caused the stock market crash of 1929, which led to deep depression? Was it not the greed of the ungodly rich driving up stock prices through speculation? Out of 90 million Americans, there were never over 1 million stock investors in the market at one time during the 1920's.

What caused the 2008 housing depression? Was it not the greed of the ungodly rich, selling shady housing loan bundles to the greedy? Did they not both fall into the ditch? Was it not because of government's intervention and greed of the ungodly rich, allowing those who could not afford houses to buy houses with loans which could not be paid back, then bundled and sold to those who desired to make a quick gain?

If the government wants to end a depression, as it tried to do in the Great Depression, it must get out of the way, if government wants to start a depression, just keep printing and spending money to provide for the poor.

The only way a nation can truly prosper is for the godly rich to bare rule. It is impossible for the poor to rule over the rich, except it be through governmental control. Redistribution of wealth, as a governmental process, will cripple a nation. The blind cannot lead the blind and neither can the poor lead the rich.

A nation cannot come to great wealth when the poor rule. If the poor knew how to get wealth they would not be poor. The godly rich must lead a nation into great wealth. The ungodly rich will lead a nation down the path to hell. Only the godly rich can lead a nation where it needs to go and that is into great wealth. Even the scriptures state, "A righteous man will leave an inheritance to his children's children and the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just."

Today in the United States of America, we are not leaving an inheritance for our grandchildren. We are doing just the opposite, by spending our grandchildren's inheritance. The number one reason this nation is where it is today is because the godly rich have not been in control. It has been the ungodly rich in control of this nation for many decades. If they continue to be in control of this nation, the future will be much worst that the present. Proverbs 29:2 states, When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked bare rule the people mourn.

How many of today's politicians do you know who seek the vote of the godly rich? It is the ungodly rich whom they seek. How many of today's ungodly rich do you know who seek the hand of godly politicians? It is the ungodly politicians whom they seek.

It is time for the godly rich to rise up, and seek the help of godly politicians and together lead this nation back to its destined course of great wealth.

The scriptures state that the godly rich of this world should be willing to distribute and communicate. The godly rich, not only should be willing to distribute to the needs of the poor, but communicate to them how not to be poor and give them opportunity not to be poor, but well off.

The ungodly rich will not do this with pure motives. Their motive is to get more gain, thereby piercing themselves and others with many sorrows, because the love of money is the root of all evil. However, the proper use of wealth is the answer to poverty of a nation and its people.

How do you determine the ungodly rich from the godly rich? By their fruits you shall know them. I Timothy 5:25 states, Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid. Find out rich men's motives for what they do. Are they content with the riches they have, or do they seek more? Godly riches with contentment will lead to even more gain.

It is not so with the ungodly rich. I Timothy 6:9 states,But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

If history is not studied, it will surely repeat itself. Today in 2012, we see the same things happening with government intervention and big spending as we did in the 1930's. It was not the answer then, and it cannot be the answer today.

The poverty mentality must be rooted out of the heart of men and then given opportunity to prosper among men. The government cannot do this, but the godly rich can.

In the elections of 2012, it is not about Democrats or Republicans, but it is about the godly rich coming into authority and leading this nation back into the great wealth that it is destined to have from God.

The founding fathers of America were godly men of means, who had a fighting desire to be free from the control of the ungodly. They founded a nation where every individual had the right and freedom to get wealth.

Even in the beginning of this nation, ungodly power hungry men tried to bring this young nation back into the bondage from which they came. The ungodly rich want themselves to be free, but they seek bondage of those whom they rule. They rule from high hills and big offices, handing out just enough provision to keep the poor living on "barely get along street" in exchange for their votes.

Each individual has the power of one vote to stay free from governmental control to create godly wealth. Make yours count, remembering that the poor cannot rule the rich, neither can they recover a nation to its wealth. The godly rich are the only answer.

As a final thought on depression and unemployment, wars always bring down unemployment because the soldier's civilian job must be filled, but they also leave a nation bankrupt, the greater the war the lower the unemployment, but the greater the nation's debt. During World War II, this nation's unemployment was 1.9 percent, down from 25 percent at the height of the depression. Peace is the only answer. Peace comes through strength, and strength comes through godly wealth.

God is looking for godly men and women, whom He can make rich, to save this nation from its own self-destruction and greed. To the youth of this generation, be aware, God may tap you on the shoulder and say, "I desire to use you, follow me." God is always looking in each generation for youth whom He can show Himself strong through. It is the godly youth of today that will lead this nation back on course to its destined wealth.

The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy, who was a young man, to not despise or waste his youth. When God called Jeremiah, the prophet, at a very young age to be his servant, Jeremiah said Lord, I am but a child, and the Lord answered him back and said, Say not that I am a child, you shall go and do all I have called you to do. God put Joseph second in charge of Egypt as a young man. David was called to be king when he was a lad, and began his reign at the age of thirty.

Youth of today, it is your time now. Step up and do what you have been called to do. Your life is not a rehearsal that shall be played out tomorrow. Your life is in real time and is moving fast before you. So don't miss it. Get involved today and do your part to lead this nation to its destiny. The founding fathers of America did what they did, so you can do what you must do. Don't let them down. Stand up, speak out, and get involved in the future of America. This is your New Deal. Do it Now, your children's children will be thankful. The generation that lives completely unto itself will be the last generation of freedom.

Visit The Story of America, where the American story is shared from its beginnings in concise segments at: http://thestoryofamerica.org/.

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Finding Work in the Post Obama Era: How to Create a New Career After Fifty

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AppId is over the quota

There are so many American workers that are over the age of 50, that are looking for work after the Obama election era. Yet, they are not ready for retirement. Most are too young for social security. Some are still healthy, vibrant, experienced and have tons to offer in the workforce. But, let's look at what really happened. Yes, we had a housing market crisis and many mid-level managers and middle-class workers got laid off or their jobs were eliminated altogether. When did corporations decide that the workers over 50 years old were not useful any longer? They certainly can't collect a social security check for years. What happened to the mature workforce? Where are they now?

During your job search after 50, you might think it's just you. You don't want to believe that you're not being hired because of your particular age group. But the numbers bear out something totally different. When over 50 workers go out to find other work, they're asked to fill-out a verification form or a simple form that allows the company to check a credit report. What's the second thing that they ask you for after you sign your name, it's your birth date? It looks extremely innocent and it seems like it's about checking your credit or for job verification purposes. But, is it really being used for that purpose or is it being used to invalidate people over 50 that might be seen to have health problems or demand more money.

One job board listed good jobs that paid well over $55,000 a year. But they were seeking candidates with 2-3 years of experience. If you only have 2-3 years of experience couldn't they hire a person for $45,000--probably so. If they just graduated from college, a new graduate would be happy to take $45,000 annually to start paying back their student loans. Right!

If the verification is for the purpose of learning their ages then are companies trying to eliminate worker's that are more likely to cost the company more in health premiums. We have to look at those angles. Because if the company can save millions on premiums to insurance companies by cutting older workers out of the pool vs. hiring younger workers that are rarely sick and premiums are much lower-who wouldn't want that deal? What's amazing is that no one is writing about this or talking about this. Is it discriminatory to hire based on age. Or did that law get pushed to the back burner? Does age discrimination exist in the post Obama election era?

It makes perfect sense that when you call the Human Resources department, or they call you, they're listening for cues in your voice about what you have to say regarding your work experience. If your work experience is noted back 20 years and you mention that you graduated in 1970, then you have just solicited your age. Any resume book will tell you never ever mention high school graduation. If your college degree is outdated they say you might not want to mention dates for that either. The best advice is to visit the local library and start reading all of the updated books they have about resume writing for today's job market.

The competition in the workforce is fierce. Especially when you want a job that pays over $50,000 dollars a year, which is over the poverty level. Companies might not want to pay a 50 something worker that type for money for old and outdated skills. If you don't know the computer it's even worse. What if you don't have a profile on LinkedIn, does that indicate that you really have old-fashioned propensities. It could indicate that you're not comfortable online. I've known people over 50 that don't use Facebook or Twitter. They're very uncomfortable with social media highways.

Use of social media networks can be seen as for the Next Generation bka the post Obama generation work force. Although not one media outlet has touched on the subject, the dirty little secret is out there. Jobs are checking ages prior to hiring. Depending on how you format and state the skills on your resume-you might have told your whole life story-only to learn you're not seen as eligible for the job based on your age. Due to the rise in healthcare premiums they're checking to see what age group you might fall; in order not to have to pay higher monthly premiums. If you're 25 years old--premiums are normally allot less expensive.

If you're running into that type of dilemma and you feel discouraged-keep going. It'll get better over time. Once in a while you might need to take a break from the job hunt if you're feeling frustrated. Like one famous person said, "nothing beats a failure but a try." Read a book about positive career change or reinventing yourself for a new career goal. The book, "What Color Is Your Parachute," is another great resource for recreating a new mission for your job search. Older workers have to find their second niche in life after the big fifty. It can be beneficial to find work you've always wanted to do--for fun more than monetary reasons. Good luck in your job search.

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Graceless Candidate, Graceless Exit

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AppId is over the quota

Rick Santorum was a graceless presidential candidate, so it is not surprising that he made a graceless exit.

The fight for the Republican nomination was effectively decided when Mitt Romney won the Florida primary. Neither Santorum nor Newt Gingrich, the two challengers who still had viable candidacies at that point, was ready to quit. Nor was Ron Paul, whose candidacy has never been viable, but who continues to run anyway.

Fair enough. The four-man field slogged through nearly two dozen additional states as Romney predictably widened his delegate lead. As the front-runner and inevitable standard-bearer for his party, Romney avoided personal attacks on his rivals (though his proxies and supporters were not so chivalrous) and focused his criticism on President Obama, whom virtually every Republican wants to defeat in November. Gingrich and Paul, though less well-endowed with money and proxies, likewise mostly stayed within the bounds of party decorum.

By Easter Sunday, Gingrich was ready to admit that Romney's nomination was inevitable (though he has not yet dropped out of the race), and he promised to support the GOP ticket in whatever way he was asked.

Not Santorum.

The affable front he put on before his campaign gained traction soon fell away as the field narrowed and he was left standing as Romney's chief challenger from the right. To some extent, Santorum was understandably frustrated, because Gingrich's refusal to withdraw continued to split the anti-Romney vote, which worked to Romney's advantage. But since he could gain nothing by alienating Gingrich, Santorum vented his spleen on Romney instead.

He did not attack Romney's positions on social issues such as gay marriage and abortion, because those positions are not very different from Santorum's positions; he attacked Romney's sincerity. Santorum also attacked Romney's business success and resulting wealth, as though personal accomplishment should be a disqualifier for public office. He attacked Romney's fitness to head the Republican ticket due to his support for Massachusetts' health insurance mandate, which became a model for Obama's federal law. Never mind that the chief Republican objection to the Affordable Care Act is that it injects federal bureaucrats into matters constitutionally reserved to the states.

By the time Santorum stepped before the cameras yesterday, he had burned most of the political bridges he had yet to cross, and he seemed intent on finishing the job.

Santorum did not endorse Romney, or commend him for a well-planned and well-run campaign. It was not Romney's fault that Santorum lacked the organization necessary to secure a place on a vital primary ballot like Virginia's. Nor was it his fault that Santorum lacked the political common sense not to declare that President John F. Kennedy's comments on separation of church and state made him want to "throw up." JFK, the first Catholic president, is a political icon in many of the homes that any presidential candidate needs to carry in order to win.

Yet Santorum did not even mention Romney's name yesterday. Neither did he pledge to support the GOP ticket, as Gingrich had, though Santorum did say he would try to defeat Obama. While we can still expect Santorum to eventually issue a belated and grudging endorsement of Romney, yesterday was the time to bury the hatchet.

Santorum mentioned that he decided to "suspend" his campaign over the weekend, when he was home celebrating Easter and tending to his very ill 3-year-old daughter. But he apparently only got around to telling Romney on Tuesday. The delayed notice would have caused Romney to waste precious money against a Santorum non-candidacy in Pennsylvania, except that Romney had the decency to pull his negative TV ads out of respect for his rival's family situation.

Some of Santorum's allies in the religious right made noises yesterday about gaining a high place for the Pennsylvanian in a Romney administration. The New York Times reported that Richard Land, an official at the Southern Baptist Convention, speculated that Santorum might be a Romney appointee as health and human services secretary. (1)

My bet is that Santorum stands a better chance of being appointed to the College of Cardinals by the pope. Romney's business background emphasizes discipline and teamwork; his personal demeanor is modest and thoughtful. As much as they are politically similar, these two men could hardly seem more personally different, apart from their devotion to their families. Assuming Romney wins the election, which is quite an assumption at this point, putting Santorum in his cabinet would be sure to cause a ruckus sooner or later over social issues - probably sooner. This would hardly be a smart move for a chief executive who wanted to focus on the economy. Romney usually makes smart moves.

So as Santorum retires to lick his wounds, and the Republican nominating process goes through the motions of deciding something that has already been decided, we can turn our attention to other matters. Obama and Romney will engage in trench warfare from now through the summer, each digging into his political foxhole, taking opportunistic potshots at one another. The parties will rally their bases at their summer conventions, and the handful of uncommitted voters in the handful of swing states that will determine the election's outcome will start to get serious in the fall.

The opening act is over, and only the actors with the leading roles will return to the stage. It's intermission.


1) The New York Times, "Santorum Suspends Presidential Campaign"

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